Nodibet® is not a medicine so what you would witness after a while, is regulating function of different organs due to improvement of the metabolism. Based on Rejuline® theory decreasing of the metabolism is the reason for many chronic diseases. Based on this theory, restoring the metabolism is possible but it is not in a short time and if somebody increases his metabolism immediately (for example using insulin injection) it would not result in improving his chronic disease. So, as the problem is presented gradually, we expect the problem to improve gradually too.
Resistance to medicines in the body is a fact which has been proven. This fact helps to explain the reason for increasing the dosage of some medicines by physicians. Based on Rejuline® theory the decreasing of
the metabolism is the reason for the resistance to medicines. By taking Nodibet®, due to the natural ingredients, the metabolism will improve and your body response to the medicines will increase. Improvement of kidney functions after taking Nodibet®, plays an important role for this purpose. Nodibet® helps control blood cholesterol level too.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
Yes. The first impact that you will witness, is the reduction in appetite. For this purpose take two capsules daily (morning and noon preferably before meal). Taking Nodibet® during weight loss diet will help to retain body strength which is the main problem during the diets as well as reduction in appetite.
Yes. When your age is increasing, the metabolism of the different organs will slow down so in the digestion system, the movement of the bowel slows down too which results in constipation. By taking Nodibet® liquid capsule, due to the ingredients, the metabolism will gradually improve so this will lead to improve the “bowel movement” . As the same time, improving liver cells metabolism, which will help the liver to have better performance to control the blood cholesterol level.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
By taking Nodibet® liquid capsule, due to the ingredients, the metabolism of your body specially the muscle cells, will gradually improve so this will lead to improve muscle function so you will feel less fatigued. The product is 100% natural and no adverse effects have been reported.
Yes. By increasing metabolism, ingredients of Nodibet® will activate kidneys and help them secrete out the toxins by making you urinate more. Usually when kidneys do not work properly, the toxins are accumulated in the blood which results in different diseases e.g. high blood pressure, skin problems, etc.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
Yes. When your age is increasing, the metabolism of the different organs will slow down so energy production in the muscle cells will fall which results in fatigue. By taking Nodibet® liquid capsule, due to the ingredients the metabolism will gradually improve so this will lead to improve the muscle function. The improvement of liver function which is responsible to produce many essential proteins and enzymes which the brain needs, will lead to better performance of the brain cells as well as in brain vessels. So you can expect that Nodibet® helps you to improve brain function and if you take medicines for the problem, it can help better the response of the brain to medicines.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
One of the amazing benefits of Nodibet® capsule which has been reported by some consumer, is balancing the sleep. If it is taken in the morning or at noon (before 2pm daily), It will prevent drowsiness in day time but will improve night sleep.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
No. The liquid capsule Nodibet® is a food supplement which is recommended to everyone specially people suffering from chronic diseases. In diabetics Nodibet® helps decrease of the symptoms of the diabetes by increasing metabolism and also increases the body response to routine diabetes medicines. Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
By taking Nodibet® liquid capsule, due to the ingredients “the metabolism of your body specially the muscle cells” will improve which will lead to having more energy so you will feel less fatigued and you will be able to increase our exercise time too.
Nodibet® is made of 100% ingredients, even the gelatin of the capsule is “fish gelatin” and the ingredients are considered as nutrients.
Because Nodibet® increases metabolism, it can be very helpful for Gestational diabetes.
It is recommended to consult your doctor before taking Nodibet® in case of pregnancy.
Nodibet® is made of 100% ingredients, even the gelatin of the capsule is “fish gelatin” and the ingredients are considered as nutrients.
But it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking the capsule in case of breastfeeding.
Hemorrhoid is not a basic problem and the reason is dysfunction of the intestine. Usually chronic constipation would lead to hemorrhoid. Based on Rejuline® theory if the intestine works properly hemorrhoid will be cured.
If the metabolism in the digestion system slows down, the movement of the bowel slows down which results in constipation. By taking Nodibet® liquid capsule, due to the ingredients, the metabolism will gradually be improved so this would lead to improve the “bowel movements”.
Please refer you to question 1 in the FAQ.
Nodibet® increases the metabolism so it helps to reduce body resistance to diabetes medicines so it helps to reduce the symptoms of diabetes; fatigue and neuropathy in feet and constipation.
Each 596 mg capsule contains the following ingredients: flaxseed oil (Linum usitatissimum L., oil), propolis extract in soybean oil (max Glycine L. Merr. Seed), capsule (FISH jelly, dyes: tartrazine E102, Allura Red E129), oil Chili Peppers (Capsicum annuum var. Longum SENDTN, fruit), soybean oil (Glycine max L. Merr. Seed)